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Strategic Plan


Welcome to Aurora, the district’s 5-year strategic plan. Aurora is the name of the light created by Earth’s magnetic field close to the north and south poles. The lights are one of the most beautiful sites on Earth, inspiring travelers from all over the world to see them firsthand. As a name for West-MEC’s strategic plan, Aurora is the light that employees bring to our community. We see the contribution of employees and teams as lights that shine bright to create a collective Aurora of beauty that impacts students and our community.


Across the next five years, we have 14 goals, which ultimately bridge us towards an enhanced future state of West-MEC. Each year West-MEC will focus on two or three bridging strategies. All parts of the organization will coordinate plans to collectively collaborate (shine their light).

West-MEC Strategic Plan Framework | 21-26

Goal: at least 90% of central program completers achieve a "high-value" industry credential within one year of program completion.
Goal: at least 91% of students will pass the ADE Technical Skills Assessment, and at least 80% will earn technical proficiency and show growth on program assessments. 
Goal: at least 93% of central program completers exit with a purposeful career plan. 
Design and implement a formal system to connect all students with industry credentials that truly convey career readiness, including the tracking of, third-party validation of, reporting for, and celebration of said credentials.  Design and implement equitable, transparent, and consistent student learning experiences by implementing the student information (SIS) i.e., FOCUS, and learning management systems (LMS) i.e., CANVAS  Nurture students' self-efficacy by encouraging reflective practices (discovery meetings, student mobile app, etc.) and implementing wide-ranging work-based learning experiences in all programs. 

Position West-MEC as a partner in education by strengthening strategic community relationships, including with charter schools, private schools, career literacy efforts 5-8, expanding PD opportunities & audiences, and Community Education. 

Design a continuum of career literacy experiences to increase student awareness of career pathways to build life aspirations.
  Design and implement an effective instructional leadership framework and support system, including training, instructional feedback, and performance evaluation. 

Engage all families more purposefully in the learning process by designing multiple intentional touch points throughout each program. 

  Support increased access across all programs by researching alternative program delivery and transportation strategies.  Identify and communicate the benefits of alumni-ship through a systemic approach to build a community of West-MEC alumni with a shared purpose. 

Create a life cycle for recruiting and retaining all learners to represent multiple, meaningful touch points. 

    Construct and communicate a profile for West-MEC program completers, including the industry certifications, technical skills, and professional characteristics required for career readiness
Establish an environment where community partners are regularly involved through a comprehensive onboarding and engagement system, including advisory councils, Industry Commission, West-MEC Alliance, work-based learning, and service learning.    

Create a culture of growth and care for West-MEC faculty and staff through intentional recruiting, onboarding, training, and retaining (Human Capital)

Foster a culture of safety and care for all internal stakeholders, including physical, mental, digital, and school safety (ERP).     

Mission: Prepare students today for tomorrow's careers.

Vision: Empower students to fully participate in the economy by providing and enhancing Career and Technical Education. 

West-MEC has financially committed appropriate funds to ensure campuses and department are able to meet their goals.